STINT and the Swedish Research Council invest SEK 15 million in research cooperation with Chinese universities
The Swedish Research Council (VR) is contributing SEK 5 million to STINT’s Joint China-Sweden Mobility programme for the period 2020–2023. This means that a total of SEK 15 million is granted to 30 projects. In total, 135 projects have been funded since 2015. STINT’s...
STINT and the Swedish Research Council invest SEK 15.8 million in research cooperation with Chinese universities
The Swedish Research Council (VR) is contributing SEK 5.9 million to STINT’s Joint China-Sweden Mobility programme for the period 2019–2022. This means that a total of SEK 15.8 million is granted to 30 projects, which is an increase from previous years. In total, 105...
Breakfast: Trend analysis – higher education & research in China
STINT informs about the China initiative and the ways in which STINT can support Swedish higher education institutions regarding trend analysis and strategic cooperation with China. As the importance of cooperation with China in higher education and research...