Result 2023


STINT’s Internationalisation Index awards stars indicating the degree of internationalisation at higher education institutions (HEIs). The maximum score is five stars. The methods and threshold values determining the number of stars awarded have remained the same since the introduction of the Index, thus making it easy to follow developments (Methodology). The results presented in 2023 are based on data for 2021. The arrows indicate changes since the previous year, i.e. compared to 2020. A more detailed description of each HEI’s development can be found in a PDF file, including seven diagrams. Select the HEI to open the relevant PDF document.

Data for 2021 Research Students PhDs Education Faculty Leadership Total
Blekinge Institute of Technology **** **** ***** ** ***** *** ****
Chalmers University of Technology **** **** ***** ***** ***** * *****
Dalarna University ** *** ** ** **** * **
Halmstad University **** ** **** ** *** ** ***
Jönköping University **** **** *** **** **** * ****
Karlstad University **** * *** * **** ** ***
Karolinska Institutet ***** *** *** *** ***** ***** *****
Kristianstad University ** * * * * * *
KTH Royal Institute of Technology **** ***** ***** ***** ***** ** *****
Linköping University *** *** *** *** **** ** ***
Linneaus University *** ** *** *** **** ** ***
Luleå University of Technology ***** ** ***** ** *** * ****
Lund University **** **** *** ***** ***** ** ****
Malmö University *** *** ** *** *** * **
Mid Sweden University **** * *** ** ** * ***
Mälardalen University *** ** **** ** *** ** ***
Stockholm School of Economics **** ***** ***** ***** ***** *** *****
Stockholm University **** *** **** **** ***** ** ****
Swedish U. of Agricultural Sciences **** *** **** ***** ***** ** *****
Södertörn University * ** ** ** *** ** *
Umeå University **** ** ** ** **** *** ***
University of Borås *** * **** ** ** *** **
University of Gothenburg **** *** ** **** **** *** ***
University of Gävle *** * **** ** ** * **
University of Skövde *** ** **** ***** ***** ***** ****
University West *** ** *** ** ** *** **
Uppsala University **** *** **** **** ***** ** ****
Örebro University **** * ** * **** * ***