Ahead of the upcoming Research Bill, STINT was invited to provide feedback to the government on its research policy. STINT’s input includes suggestions on how the Swedish knowledge system can enhance Sweden’s international competitiveness and attractiveness in higher education and research.
Increased understanding of global events and processes is essential if Sweden, Swedish higher education institutions (HEIs), students and researchers are to participate in and contribute to a global knowledge system. Therefore international perspectives, experiences and interaction ought to be integrated into all higher education and research. Although this is in many respects already the case at present, internationalisation, globalisation and openness are also currently under threat.
The internationalisation of HEIs is of the utmost importance because it contributes to Sweden’s economic development and international competitiveness, as well as to developing and promoting Sweden’s economic and diplomatic relations with other countries and regions.
Internationalisation, international collaborations and networks contribute to renewal, quality enhancement and better research, and also enrich higher education and enhance the competitiveness of HEIs by introducing new perspectives and ideas.
In order to make Swedish HEIs more competitive and attractive internationally, STINT advises the government to
- promote and increase mobility at all levels
- provide education intelligence to HEIs
- take advantage of investments made in research through international development and cooperation
- allocate funds to the internationalisation of higher education and research, for instance through supporting HEIs in recruiting staff globally.
Link to full text of STINT’s input (in Swedish)