STINT is extending its portfolio of programmes that promote the development of higher education through gaining concrete experience while teaching abroad. Grants for Teaching Sabbaticals is aimed at researchers and teachers who hold doctorates and who want to contribute to teaching development at their institutions. The application deadline is 19 March 2019.

Grants for Teaching Sabbaticals is similar to Teaching Sabbatical, STINT’s oldest ongoing programme. The aims and methods are virtually identical, but there are some differences, as shown in the table below.


Programme title Grants for Teaching Sabbaticals Teaching Sabbatical
Time of visit 2–5 months Autumn semester
Host institution Any higher education institution outside of the EU/EFTA STINT’s partner higher education institutions
Applications Submitted individually (must be supported by dean, or equivalent) Applicants are nominated by the vice-chancellor of their home institution
Type of funding Grant Scholarship


The new programme aims to complement and create synergy effects with the existing Teaching Sabbatical programme, not to replace it. The next call for Teaching Sabbatical applications opens in May 2019.

More information about Grants for Teaching Sabbaticals